Queer Solidarity Bloc: Why we stand with Palestine

On the day

The call

Resisting Transphobia in Edinburgh (RTiE) and Queers for Palestine Scotland call out to all LGBT+ people to join a Queer Bloc in Edinburgh at the national Scottish protest in solidarity with Palestine on Saturday 3rd February, 1pm, at Edinburgh Castle.

Queer and trans liberation is not possible without racial justice, migrant justice, and freedom from colonialism. None of us is free until all are free.

We will not allow queer people to be weaponised by settler-colonial Israeli propaganda. We say NO to pinkwashing genocide.

As the slaughter in Palestine, as well as Lebanon and Yemen, continues and Western ‘democracies’ avert their gaze, it is more important than ever to maintain pressure on those who hold power. We must show them we will not ignore oppression; we will not get tired of calling for justice.

Join us to call for an immediate ceasefire; an end to UK government complicity in genocide; and for Palestinian liberation.

Free Palestine! Ceasefire now!

Why are we doing this?

We believe it is extremely important to show that LGBT+ people completely reject the Islamophobia and pinkwashing that attempts to divide us, and fails to acknowledge that Palestinians and, indeed, all Arab people are a beautiful rainbow of diversity.

We recognize that pinkwashing is not separate to, but in fact the same phenomenon as, British colonial homophobic policies implemented across the Global South that sought to criminalise Indigenous peoples in the name of imperialism.

Let’s show the apologists for genocide that we are all Palestinians (and not tanning on a beach in Tel Aviv).

Spread the word: