RTiE is an umbrella group containing people from many organisations and none.

We collaborate with progressive organisations, championing trans liberation and joy and a safer future for trans youth.

Our projects include a zine on transphobia, participation in Pride events, and ongoing outreach efforts. We aim to raise awareness and foster unity within the trans community and beyond.

All political affiliations are welcome, and we emphasise intersectionality and intergenerational collaboration. Join us in creating a better, safer, and brighter world for everyone, regardless of gender identity.

If you would like to receive email bulletins from RTiE please register here.


Here’s links to our current zines

Zine #1 Debunking transphobic talking points

Zine narrated by E.

Zine #2 Debunking TERFS

Zine narrated by E.

Zine #3 Some Folk Are Trans Get Over It!